Walk XXVII: Manhattan Beach & Sheepshead Bay

2 10 2011

Hey folks!


Oh wait, didn’t we Judenfolk have a holiday?

Uh...Silly Jew Day?

More on that later.  Let’s get crackin!

Length: Almost 4 miles

Navigation: Easy

Weather: Mild


I’ve separated this post into four parts: (1) west of the bay, (2) Manhattan Beach, (3) south of the bay and (4) Sheepshead Bay.

1. West of the Bay

Like the previous walk, I began relatively early in the day. This afforded me a nice view of Sheepshead Bay (as in the actual bay, not the neighborhood) reflecting a morning sun.

Remember to click the pictures for a full resolution experience.  I didn’t buy an expensive camera for nothing, ya know.

And now: Jewish justice!

Manhattan Beach was built by an avowed anti-Semite by the name of Austin Corbin. The book says he was a member of a prestigious group of good ol’ boys called The American Society for the Suppression of Jews.

And guess which group of people now takes up the majority of Manhattan Beach’s residencies?

You guessed it.

And what’s more: the first ever Holocaust Memorial Park in NYC was built here.

In ya face, Corbin!

Here’s a closer look at the sculpture:

Happy new year, folks.

2. Manhattan Beach

If we’re still comparing Brooklyn neighborhoods to NJ towns, Manhattan Beach would be the Deal of NY.

Like Deal, Manhattan Beach is a quiet area along the Atlantic Ocean with huge houses and a large Jewish population.

Oh, and it’s massively expensive to live here.

Let's face it: if you're reading this during work, you can't afford this house.

However, the actual beach of Manhattan Beach isn’t much to write home about.

The walk turned a little more disappointing at Kingsborough Community College.

You see, the walk was supposed to take me though this campus.  I was to see what it might be like to go to school along the sea and get a really cool view of the Marine Parkway Bridge, but I was told that the campus was closed for the specific weekend I chose to visit.


3. South of the Bay

Eventually, I made my way towards Sheepshead Bay (still the actual bay, not the neighborhood).

Walking along the bay was my favorite part of the walk.

All good things must come to an end.  But before they do, sometimes a footbridge happens.

4. Sheepshead Bay

This time, it’s the neighborhood I’m talking about here.

There really wasn’t much to see, except for some bungalows and some really cool graffiti.  Enjoy:

That pretty much wraps it up.  All in all, it was a very enjoyable walk.

Next: Gerritsen Beach, Marine Park & Mill Basin!